Every public school system in the cities of LaGrange, Manchester, Hogansville, and West Point and in the counties of Troup, Heard, Harris, and Meriwether has benefited from gifts totaling millions of dollars.
LaGrange College has received over $35 million from Callaway Foundation, Inc. This included funds to either build or renovate most of the buildings on both the main campus and the Callaway Campus of the College.
In 1992, the Foundation presented LaGrange College with the $5.3 million gift of Callaway Campus properties which included an auditorium, an activities building with gymnasium, a swimming pool complex, six tennis courts, picnic areas and two softball fields, all situated on 32 acres of landscaped grounds with spacious parking lots.
The Callaway Campus, located across the street from the main campus, literally opens up LaGrange College from its "hill-bound" status, from which further growth was hindered by neighborhood development and public roads, and doubles the size of the campus.

Aerial view of Callaway Stadium and the LaGrange College Callaway Campus.
After the initial gift in 1992, renovation funds have been provided to LaGrange College to prepare the Callaway Campus properties for better use in the College's programs. The results are impressive, with an indoor-outdoor dual pool Natatorium complex and an educational building that houses both the College's Music and Athletic Departments. The Callaway Campus is also the new location for the soccer program at LaGrange College. The new soccer field, with additional parking and landscaping, is located between the Callaway Educational Building and Callaway Auditorium.
Outside the immediate LaGrange and Troup County area, The University of Georgia and the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), the two "flagship" universities of the State, have received substantial Foundation grants. Total contributions to Georgia of over $9 million included funds for the Botanical Garden and its Visitor's Center, named for Mrs. Alice Hand Callaway, and the Visual and Performing Arts Complex. Grants to Tech of over $13 million have helped build the Arthur B. Edge, Jr. Intercollegiate Athletic Center, the George C. Griffin Student Galleria Complex, and Callaway Plaza, the memorial to Mr. Fuller E. Callaway, Jr.